Keys to Travel Happiness (a series)
Number Four: Don’t be afraid to be a little foolish  At home, many of us lead professional, buttoned down lives – organized, disciplined, and frantically goal oriented. Travel is recreation, as in recreate, create again. So relax, channel the inner child and have fun. Don’t worry so much about what people will think of you. […]
Keys to Travel Happiness (a series)
Number Three: Don’t over schedule.   Every day at home you’re tied to a schedule – work, school, errands, chores… Don’t take that mindset and that pressure with you when you travel. After all, the word vacation comes from the Latin vacare: to be unoccupied. (Hard to believe we know both etymology and Latin, right? […]
Keys to Travel Happiness (a series)
Number Two: Talk to strangers. We’re not suggesting you walk up to random people on the street (although we don’t judge, so if that’s your thing…) Have dinner at the bar or lunch at a communal table. Sit near the crowd at the beach. Then find a way to get the conversation going. Most people, […]
Sciandri Cab and Majormischief – a perfect pairing
As we waited for to launch, we celebrated with a great bottle of wine that embodies the joy and passion we live and hope to discover in the people and places we meet in our travels.  On this very special evening, we chose the 2007 Sciandri Cabernet, from the newly minted Coombsville AVA just […]
Keys to Travel Happiness (a series)
Number One: Have a Local. Find a restaurant, pub, coffee shop, café, tea house, bar or shop that you return to often during your stay. On our first trip to Montreal we spent a piece of each day in a restaurant called Modavie in the Old Port. At lunch it attracted local business people but […]
Near and Far